A library is a hospital for the mind. ~Anonymous

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Foe by J.M Coetzee

''T HE Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner'' was published on April 25, 1719. The author of the book was Daniel Defoe or, to revert to his given name, Daniel Foe. In ''Foe'' J. M. Coetzee has written a superb novel by reconsidering the events of ''Robinson Crusoe'' and presenting them from a new point of view. He may have been impressed by Jean Rhys's conversion of ''Jane Eyre'' into ''Wide Sargasso Sea'' or by other experiments in displacing an official perspective."  ~The New York Times

This book threw me for a loop.  I read it several years ago and have not been able to get it out of my head since.  In my 'Book Lust' journal (a book that I used to keep a brief impression of books I read) it says:  "Really good.  I'm missing something and feel like I should read it again.  A 'heavy' read.  It was hard to get used to the writing but I will definitely read it again."  I tried (unsuccessfully) to have several of my friends read this book so that I could talk to them about it.  I'm unsure why they never finished (or perhaps started) it but I encourage you to read it.  Once you do please let me know what you think.  After revisiting my thoughts on this I think I may just re-read it...if someone else will too so that I can talk to them about it.

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