The Count of Monte Cristo is Alexandre Dumas's riveting tale of romantic rivalries, struggles for power, daring escapes, clever disguises, buried treasure, and solemn promises. What more could an adventurous reader desire? Dumas's hero Edmond Dantes is a man on a mission, tasked with delivering a letter whose contents he does not know, but whose impact, when discovered by the wrong man, could be deadly. Thrown into a dangerous chain of events, Dantes must face his fate alone, forced to rely on his wits, courage, and a strong dose of good luck as he seeks justice against those whose greed and wickedness nearly cost him his life. ~
Honestly, how can you go wrong with this book. It has got to be one of the best books I've ever read. Before reading it my favorite 'classic' was Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen but this book quickly and solidly has taken the top spot. It is impossible to compare the book and the movie though so if you've seen the movie and feel like that's enough let me just say "'s not." While the movie is quite good the ending is very different. The movie appeals to the feel-good-ending movie industry while the book takes a real look at what could and would truly happen. I don't dare say more though because I desperately want you to read this book.
When purchasing or checking out this book you may look at it and hesitate because it is so thick but I read it in two sittings. One was a lay-over at the airport going to my destination and the other was on the plane coming back. Dumas sucks you into Dantes' life and troubles. You feel for him and want him to achieve his revenge and make those who hurt him suffer. In many ways I think we each wish we could exact this kind of justice upon someone who has done us wrong. Some of us lack the money, others it's the lack of imagination, and yet others don't feel revenge is the best route. Rarely does revenge make us feel better at the sight of another's downfall but for some reason it truly works in this book. I definitely need to re-read this book. It is a classic among classics.
I have ALWAYS wanted to read this book! I'm so glad to get your recommendation! Thank you! I think it will be my next book!