Lastnight in a Nyquil stupor I realized the secret to blogging. You must blog about something that you really care about. Some people blog about their family (yep, I am one of those) and others blog about scrapbooking, hunting, movies, finances, church, and a plethora of other topics. When I think about my personal obsession two things come to mind: Elizabeth I & books. I figure I can incorporate the first while addressing the other so here it is. If you know me, and even if you don't you will soon enough, you'll realize that I love books. During a recent move I believe we had more boxes of books than another single other item. I was proud of myself when I let go of a small box of books but couldn't bring myself to let go of more.
I wasn't always connected with books. In fact I didn't discover the allure of words until I was in 7th grade where I was placed in a remedial reading class. I'm sure there were a lot of things we did but what I reemmber most was choosing a book from the tall bookshelf and reading it. I would then report back to the teacher what I had read. I don't remember her name but I do remember that since that time I have never been able to put a book down. My husband commented once to friends that in the time that he has known me (10 years) he has never seen me without a book. I'm constantly reading. I don't limit myself to one genre, instead I find it much more exciting and fulfilling to one day pick up a science fiction book and then when I'm done pick up historical fiction or cultural non-fiction. I find that my personal viewpoints and interests are adjusted, expanded, deepened and explored through whatever I might be reading at the time. If a book doesn't interest me I put it down and try to read it later. If after several failed attempts at reading I will give it to someone who will appreciate it more.
It will surprise some of you to know that I do not intend my first book blog to be about my favorite author, Brandon Sanderson, but someone I recently discovered through the recommendation of a good friend. Each week I plan to write about a book, author, article, or whatever strikes my long as it's something I read. So this little thing, this hobby...or obsession as others would put it...this passion of mine is here for you to read. Perhaps there are fellow bibliomaniacs or bibliophiles out there who can point me in the direction of more good books to read. If you are a budding bookworm just breaking through your own cocoon have no fear, you are in very good company.
I would love your comments, book/author recommendations, histories, etc. I'm excited to have you join me on this varied and wonderful journey.
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