A library is a hospital for the mind. ~Anonymous

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter

"The Limberlost is life...What I like is the excitement of choosing a path carefully, in the fear that the quagmire may reach out and suck me down; to go into the swamp naked-handed and wrest from it treasures that bring me books and clothing, and I like enough of a fight for things that I always remember how I get them."  Back cover of the novel in Elnora's words.

Elnora is the main character in Gene Stratton Porter's novel that was recommended to me by my friend Harmony.  I have to admit that I wasn't keen on reading it and it turned out to be different than I expected.  I'm not sure I had very high expectations but in the end I'm certainly glad I read it.  This novel was written about a girl in rural Indiana around the turn of the century.  Elnora's father died when she was very young and the effect it had on her mother, Kate, has left a rift of misunderstanding floating between them.  Kate doesn't understand why Elnora would want to attend high school and Elnora doesn't understand why her mother refuses to assist her in the necessary financial obligations. 

Throughout the novel Elnora is given various hardships and is able to overcome them with imagination and poise.  She has had an affinity for the things of the Limberlost, the natural life, and uses it to her advantage.  This is definitely classic 'coming of age' tale reminiscent of Anne of Green Gables and Huckleberry Finn.  The cast of characters come alive and you grow to love, hate, sympathize, or dread them.  You worry about Elnora when it looks as if her innocence is in danger and you are proud of her when she stands up for herself, her way of life, and her relationship with the sickly yet dashing Philip Ammon.  This story has all the elements of a fun read, it has adventure, romance, character growth and vivid details.  Definitely worth your while.

After finishing it I came away with a strong desire to get to know my new home and all the natural splendors within it.  I didn't want to collect butterflies or anything but I did want to reconnect with the natural world around me.  Nature has so much to offer and in this day and age we have become too busy with our daily fast-paced lives to even notice.  When was the last time you appreciated a sunset and the natural hues of red, purple, and pink; what about the lazy circling of a bird of prey as it hunts and spies its next meal; perhaps the scurrying of an army of ants as they busily go about the daily grind of ensuring their queen's health and happiness; or maybe the loving gaze of a long-time pet as he/she watches you in adoration as you sit quietly on the couch and read.  Embrace the world that we have forgotten, beauty and surprise lie under every rock, in every tree, over any mountain and within the human body.  No matter where you live whether in the 'cement jungle' or the backwoods of Kentucky take a look around you and notice that which caught at Elnora's heartstrings and allow it to tug on your own.  Isn't it time we all reconnected to the natural?

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel! We can get so caught up in the minutiae of life that we forget to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Then, something will remind me, like the song of a bird or the smell of a flower, and I feel humbled by the love and joy that Heavenly Father expressed through his creation.
